Service Packages

Researching Legal System

Landing Law Vietnam will research and summarize the current system of legal documents in Vietnam about what Clients are interested in or are important to the project, as well as provide necessary explanations and clarifications the problem and make appropriate decisions. Additional licenses (if any), accompanying conditions and other related matters will also be highlighted in the Reports.

– Product: Research report prepared and published by Landing Law.

– Service fee: From only 3.000.000VND

Project consulting

Based on the information provided by the Clients and the corresponding legal regulations, Landing Law Vietnam will advise and recommend in-depth investment forms, business, capital, location, conditions, … of the project that the clients plans to implement.

– Product: Advice letter prepared and issued by Landing Law.

– Service fee: From only 5.000.000VND

Drafting shareholder agreements or joint venture agreements

Landing Law Vietnam will assist investors in negotiating and agreeing on the establishment, organization, and operation of planned investment and business activities, which are recorded in these agreements, in order to minimize risks, potential disputes and ensure the stability and safety in the future.

– Product: Shareholder agreement or joint venture agreement and related documents prepared and issued by Landing Law.

– Service fee: From only 5.000.000VND

Establish business

Landing Law Vietnam will prepare documents and carry out necessary procedures for investors to be granted Investment Registration Certificate (IRC), or equivalent documents, and/or Registration Certificate enterprise (ERC).

– Product: IRC, ERC and equivalent licenses are submitted and received by Landing Law on behalf of investors.

– Service fee: From only 35.000.000VND

Drafting and reviewing contracts and internal documents

During the process of Clients investing and doing business in Vietnam, Landing Law will review contracts, agreements and documents related to transactions between clients and related organizations and individuals, and at the same time, give appropriate advice and recommendations, in order to ensure the legality and legal rights and interests of customers.

Product: Contracts, agreements and related documents are drafted and reviewed by Landing Law.

Service fee: From only 5.000.000VND

Business Management Sonsulting

Landing Law will advise on problems, questions and cases that customers encounter when carrying out existing business and investment activities, and give specific recommendations to solve thoroughly. In case clients implement new investment and business projects, legal system research services will be provided free of charge.

Product: Advice letters, research reports and products of a similar nature are drafted and prepared by Landing.

Service fee: From only 5.000.000VND for each product

Labor consulting

Landing Law will advise and support clients to solve labor problems and draft relevant documents arising in the process of investment and business activities..

Product: Advice letter, labor regulations, labor contract and related documents drafted, reviewed and prepared by Landing Law.

– Service fee: From only 3.000.000VND for each product

Register for trademark protection

Landing Law Vietnam will prepare documents and carry out necessary procedures to apply for registration of protecting the trademark that customers plan to use in the process of carrying out investment and business activities rotect. As such 01 trademark includes 06 groups of products and services.

– Product: Trademark registration certificate and other relevant documents submitted and received by Landing Law on behalf of investors.

– Service fee: According to the price list of intellectual property services

Protect Intellectual Property Rights Service

Landing Law Vietnam will either alone or in  foreign law firms designated by the Client to draft, prepare the necessary documents and submit the dossiers at the competent State agencies in order to protect the Client’s intellectual property rights in accordance with the applicable law.

– Product: The document approving the protection of the Client’s intellectual property rights issued by competent State agencies and received by Landing Law.

– Service fee: According to the price list of intellectual property services

Dispute Resolution Service

Landing Law Vietnam, on the basis of documents and information provided by customers, will advise on options and solutions to resolve disputes and participate in representation and support for customers in practice. Representation will include working with competent State agencies, as well as litigation in Court, in accordance with the law and contracts.

– Product: Judgment, decision of the Court, arbitration or agreement between the parties on the settlement of respective disputes.

– Fixed fee: From 30,000,000 VND – Success fee: From 1% of the dispute value.

Migration Service

Landing Law Vietnam will advise, prepare the necessary documents and directly carry out the procedures prescribed by law to ensure that the Client and the Client’s foreign workers have the right to reside, work, move legally in Vietnam within the allowed time limit.

– Product: Visa, work permit and residence card submitted and received by Landing Law on behalf of Clients.

– Service fee: From only 4.000.000VND

Additional License /Sub-License Service

Landing Law Vietnam will prepare the necessary documents and directly carry out the procedures in accordance with the law so that the Client is entitled to conduct investment and business activities in Vietnam legally.

– Product: The additional license/sub-license is submitted and received by Landing Law on behalf of the Client.

– Service fee: From only 7.000.000VND

Virtual Office Service

Landing LawVietnam, in collaboration with its partners, will provide a suitable location for Customers to use as a virtual office and service for receiving incoming documents, and renting meeting rooms.

– Product: Virtual office service provided by Landing Law and its partners.

– Service fee: From only 2.000.000VND

Industrial Real Estate Services

Landing Law Vietnam, in collaboration with its partners, will provide a list of industrial parks, industrial clusters and other potential locations for Customers to build production facilities, warehouses, …. Besides, we will support Customers to work with relevant organizations and individuals in the process of choosing a location and building a factory.

– Product: Location to build production facilities, warehouses,..

– Service fee: According to each specific case